Despite being self-published, the book was a huge success upon its release. It remained on the New York Times best-seller list for just over 9 weeks, and it has, to date, sold more than five million copies worldwide.
The Premise of "Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About"
The premise of Natural Cures is that every illness in existence (including potentially fatal diseases, such as cancer) can be cured through natural methods. Whilst this is not a particularly original assumption – indeed, prior to modern medicine, all societies used natural healing methods out of necessity – Trudeau has been commended for re-introducing such knowledge into the mainstream.Trudeau claims, for instance, that cancer cannot exist in a body that is alkaline-dominant.
Thus, by eating an alkaline diet (mainly fruits and vegetables), cancer can not only be avoided, but even reversed. Beyond cancer, Trudeau also claims that there are natural healing methods for herpes, arthritis, depression, diabetes, AIDS, most forms of phobia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, ADD, multiple sclerosis, acid reflux disease, obesity, muscular dystrophy, attention deficit disorder, and more.
Although Trudeau’s alleged cures varies per condition, the cures largely have one thing in common, namely, to eat healthier and drink more water. Supplements are also recommended from time to time (Trudeau recommends coral calcium for cancer, for example, since coral calcium can neutralize blood acidity), but Trudeau’s emphasis is on a healthier diet.
"Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About" Has Been the Subject of Controversy
Natural Cures was a controversial publication since day one, and it still remains a subject of intense debate amongst readers and critics. While a lot of these criticisms come from reviewers with an obvious axe to grind against its author (Trudeau is a convicted felon with a history of economic fraud), or by organizations with a vested interested in the pharmaceutical drugs that Trudeau exposes, many of these criticisms are fair-minded and valid.The noted skeptic and author, Michael Shermer, for example, correctly states that Trudeau’s cures are not so much actual cures for diseases, but simply attempts to encourage a healthier diet and lifestyle which, in turn, will prevent these diseases from occurring in the first place.
Shermer also notes that many of the supplements recommended by Trudeau are actually sold on Trudeau’s website (indeed, the author repeatedly directs his readers to his website’s shop throughout the book). This fact, compounded with the author’s previous convictions of fraud, has made many readers suspicious of his true intentions. Has Trudeau written this book because he wants to expose the pharmaceutical cartel and improve his reader’s health, or because he wants to profit from the natural cures he sells?
It is difficult to know what to make of Natural Cures. On the one hand, the book is written by a convicted felon with a history of self-serving enterprises and who clearly intends to profit from the sales of the products he recommends to his readers. On the other hand, Trudeau does make valid criticisms about Big Pharma and its proven attempts at suppressing (or even criminalizing) natural cures that threaten its monopoly on synthetic treatments.Ultimately, there are better books on natural health than "They Don't Want You To Know About". Despite its commercial success, it really is just a repackaging of ancient knowledge that is better articulated – and without possible ulterior motives – in other publications. One such publication is Andreas Moritz’s Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, which surpasses Trudeau’s book in both scope and sapience. Another excellent book that deals exclusively with the pharmaceutical cartel question is Guylaine Lactot's The Medical Mafia, which offers much greater insight into the industry than Trudeau’s effort.