Arguably The Most Effective of the Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies Is Water
One of the simplest and best ways to cure a urinary tract infection is to drink more water. Most people suffering from urinary tract infections have dark yellow urine, which means that their body is dehydrated to some degree. Without the proper amount of water in the urine, residue that is expelled from the body is deposited on the walls of the urinary tract, which can build up and lead to infections. Drinking enough water will flush these bacterial build-ups out and lead to a reduction of the infection. It is important to always maintain a healthy level of hydration in order to prevent further infections, urinary or otherwise.Vitamin C and Cranberry Juice Are Also Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies
A urinary tract infection is often caused by urine that is lacking acidity. Without acidity, the urine is not effective in removing the bacteria that causes infections within the tract, thus providing an environment in which the bacteria can thrive. Vitamin C, however, will increase the urine’s acidity, which creates an environment that is too hostile for the bacteria to flourish. Vitamin C can be taken in the form of supplements, or better yet, through fruits such as oranges and grapefruits.Cranberry juice is also successful at treating urinary tract infections, since it not only contains vitamin C but also quinolic acid. quinolic acid further increases the acidity of the urine, which makes cranberry juice an even more effective home remedy than juices or fruits that contain vitamin C alone.
Echinacea Is Also a Good Cure for the Infection
Finally, there is echinacea. A popular herb that is used to treat many infections dealing with the common cold and upper respiratory infections, echinacea’s anti-inflammatory properties are also what makes it a great treatment for urinary tract infections. For successful treatment, an echinacea tea should be drank once a day (preferably either after lunch or dinner). An alternative option is to take a 300mg capsule once a day.The problem with most synthetic drugs that treat urinary tract infections is that they treat the symptoms without treating the problems. Using different urinary tract infection home remedies – such as those outlined above – can not only treat the infection, but prevent urinary tract infections from reoccurring.