Thursday, March 20, 2014

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Herbal Remedies for Nausea

By: Danny Mulkan On: 7:12 AM
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  • Herbal Remedies for NauseaIt is fair to say that everyone has suffered from the discomfort of nausea at some point, since it is the symptom of a wide spectrum of conditions. While over the counter medicines containing bismuth are often successful in treating it, its reactions with other chemicals present within the body can sometimes cause the nausea to worsen for some people. Those with sensitive stomachs often turn to herbal remedies for nausea for a more holistic healing approach.

    Ginger Is the Greatest of the Herbal Remedies for Nausea

    Ginger has been used to treat nausea for thousands of years, dating back to the Ancient Indian and Asian cultures. The reason that ginger is one of the most effective remedies is that it blocks two enzymes that cause an inflammation of the digestive tract. These enzymes are cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase, or COX and LOX for short. Most over the counter treatments for nausea are successful at blocking the COX enzyme, but do nothing for the LOX enzyme, which may reduce nausea but will not completely eliminate the problem.

    Ginger fights both LOX and COX enzymes, which makes it more effective than conventional medication, which can cause side effects like ulcers and diarrhea. Ginger is also more effective since it does not block COX enzymes completely, as they play an important role in protecting the stomach and digestive tract from infection. In short, ginger provides all of the benefits of an artificial medication with none of the drawbacks.

    Peppermint Is Also One of the Best Herbal Remedies for Nausea

    Peppermint is another herb that has a long history of being used to treat nausea, especially nausea caused by muscle spasms. A few cups of peppermint tea is great for intestinal cramping related to diarrhea or the menstrual cycle.

    Peppermint tea is the best method of taking peppermint for those looking for a milder effect, such as pregnant women. People looking for a stronger and more immediate effect, however, should mix a teaspoon or so of peppermint oil with six ounces of water and repeat two to three times a day until the nausea is gone.

    Aloe Vera and Chamomile Are Also Great Choices

    For children, Aloe vera is undoubtedly the best remedy for nausea. It has a strong taste, so it is best to mix it with water, but its effects are mild and gentle. A good ratio to take is eight ounces of water to every teaspoon of Aloe vera juice. A dash of sugar can also be added to enhance the taste, but be very careful not to overdo it!

    Chamomile is a herb very similar to ginger in that it treats inflammation related to nausea. This is also a great option for children as it produces as its taste is very pleasant when brewed as a tea.

    Ultimately, nausea is an ailment that accompanies various illnesses, so it is one of the most common conditions that people attempt to treat using herbs. By taking herbal remedies for nausea like ginger, peppermint, Aloe vera, and chamomile, patients can gain natural relief from nausea without harming their bodies.