Monday, October 10, 2016

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Managing Cholesterol Safely While Taking Supplemental Niacin

By: Danny Mulkan On: 7:53 AM
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  • When using niacin cholesterol can be kept at manageable levels. Niacin is a vitamin that is found in many foods and is a beneficial tool for controlling cholesterol levels. It not only decreases LDL cholesterol, it increases HDL cholesterol.

    Niacin is a B vitamin. The body uses niacin to convert carbohydrates into useable energy. Niacin also helps keep other areas healthy. This vitamin helps keep the eyes, skin and hair healthy. It is also beneficial for the nervous and digestive systems.

    It is included in most multi-vitamins and is common in a wide variety of foods. Niacin is found in fish, nuts and eggs. It is also in other dairy products and lean meats. It is available as a supplement as well. Niacin may be taken by purchasing over the counter medications or through obtaining a prescription through a health care professional. It should never be taken without the close supervision of a doctor.

    By taking niacin cholesterol can be raised 15% to 35%. This means it is the most effective drug available which can raise HDL or “good” cholesterol levels. At the same time niacin reduces the “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides. Although it is given to manage cholesterol, niacin also helps reduce risk factors for heart disease.

    While taking niacin cholesterol levels can be kept in an appropriate range for optimal health. But there are some possible side effects. Upset stomach, dizziness and headache are likely to occur. It can also cause liver damage and it can cause elevated sugar levels in some people. Taking niacin with food can help prevent some of the side effects. Also finding the right sized dose can help reduce some of the possible side effects. Niacin can be purchased in a time-released form. This may also help to alleviate side effects for some people.

    During the time you are taking niacin, cholesterol levels should be checked by your doctor periodically. There are other things that also need a close watch. Monitoring liver function and blood sugar levels is a key to gaining the most benefit from niacin while avoiding possible serious side effects.

    When taking niacin, always stay in close contact with your doctor. They will help you determine the proper dosage and can make any adjustments that might be needed. Do not increase a dosage of niacin without first discussing it with your doctor or health care professional. It is especially important to be monitored by a qualified physician if niacin is taken over a long period of time.