Monday, October 10, 2016
Managing Cholesterol Safely While Taking Supplemental Niacin
Danny Mulkan
On: 7:53 AM
When using niacin cholesterol can be kept at manageable levels. Niacin is a vitamin that is found in many foods and is a beneficial tool for controlling cholesterol levels. It not only decreases LDL cholesterol, it increases HDL cholesterol.
Niacin is a B vitamin. The body uses niacin to convert carbohydrates into useable energy. Niacin also helps keep other areas healthy. This vitamin helps keep the eyes, skin and hair healthy. It is also beneficial for the nervous and digestive systems.
It is included in most multi-vitamins and is common in a wide variety of foods. Niacin is found in fish, nuts and eggs. It is also in other dairy products and lean meats. It is available as a supplement as well. Niacin may be taken by purchasing over the counter medications or through obtaining a prescription through a health care professional. It should never be taken without the close supervision of a doctor.
By taking niacin cholesterol can be raised 15% to 35%. This means it is the most effective drug available which can raise HDL or “good” cholesterol levels. At the same time niacin reduces the “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides. Although it is given to manage cholesterol, niacin also helps reduce risk factors for heart disease.
While taking niacin cholesterol levels can be kept in an appropriate range for optimal health. But there are some possible side effects. Upset stomach, dizziness and headache are likely to occur. It can also cause liver damage and it can cause elevated sugar levels in some people. Taking niacin with food can help prevent some of the side effects. Also finding the right sized dose can help reduce some of the possible side effects. Niacin can be purchased in a time-released form. This may also help to alleviate side effects for some people.
During the time you are taking niacin, cholesterol levels should be checked by your doctor periodically. There are other things that also need a close watch. Monitoring liver function and blood sugar levels is a key to gaining the most benefit from niacin while avoiding possible serious side effects.
When taking niacin, always stay in close contact with your doctor. They will help you determine the proper dosage and can make any adjustments that might be needed. Do not increase a dosage of niacin without first discussing it with your doctor or health care professional. It is especially important to be monitored by a qualified physician if niacin is taken over a long period of time.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Why does an Apple Keep the Doctor Away?
Danny Mulkan
On: 8:03 AM

Why does an apple a day keep the doctor away? Well it is pretty obvious that apples are healthy.
But what makes people say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. An apple keeps doctors away because of their health benefits.
Apples contain benefits what other fruits like banana’s, oranges etc can not fully provide. This phrase would not have been so famous if it was not true right?
Well lets take a look at the benefits of eating apples.
- Reduced Risk of tooth decay- Apples kills most bacteria in the teeth that cause tooth decay. So not only does the apple keep the doctor away, it also keeps he dentist away.
- Protect Brain from disease- Apples have nutrients that are known to prevent things like Parkinson or Alzheimer.
- Prevents all types of cancer- Apples contain Quercetin which is known to reduce the risk of cancers.
- Vitamin C- Vitamin C helps the immune system. Lack of vitamin C results to easy bruising.
- Low calories- Apples contain about 100 calories and depending on the size, it can contain less.
- Better lungs- Apples also lower respiratory problems. For those who might not know this, asthma is an example.
NO, not an apple pie. Actual apples and eat them for they are the better investment. All in All, apples are very good for your health and if you can’t eat apples in their normal form, compromise by blending it into a smoothie or chopping it up and mixing it with something else. Just try to eat them as much as possible.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About
Danny Mulkan
On: 8:29 AM

Despite being self-published, the book was a huge success upon its release. It remained on the New York Times best-seller list for just over 9 weeks, and it has, to date, sold more than five million copies worldwide.
The Premise of "Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About"
The premise of Natural Cures is that every illness in existence (including potentially fatal diseases, such as cancer) can be cured through natural methods. Whilst this is not a particularly original assumption – indeed, prior to modern medicine, all societies used natural healing methods out of necessity – Trudeau has been commended for re-introducing such knowledge into the mainstream.Trudeau claims, for instance, that cancer cannot exist in a body that is alkaline-dominant.
Thus, by eating an alkaline diet (mainly fruits and vegetables), cancer can not only be avoided, but even reversed. Beyond cancer, Trudeau also claims that there are natural healing methods for herpes, arthritis, depression, diabetes, AIDS, most forms of phobia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, ADD, multiple sclerosis, acid reflux disease, obesity, muscular dystrophy, attention deficit disorder, and more.
Although Trudeau’s alleged cures varies per condition, the cures largely have one thing in common, namely, to eat healthier and drink more water. Supplements are also recommended from time to time (Trudeau recommends coral calcium for cancer, for example, since coral calcium can neutralize blood acidity), but Trudeau’s emphasis is on a healthier diet.
"Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About" Has Been the Subject of Controversy
Natural Cures was a controversial publication since day one, and it still remains a subject of intense debate amongst readers and critics. While a lot of these criticisms come from reviewers with an obvious axe to grind against its author (Trudeau is a convicted felon with a history of economic fraud), or by organizations with a vested interested in the pharmaceutical drugs that Trudeau exposes, many of these criticisms are fair-minded and valid.The noted skeptic and author, Michael Shermer, for example, correctly states that Trudeau’s cures are not so much actual cures for diseases, but simply attempts to encourage a healthier diet and lifestyle which, in turn, will prevent these diseases from occurring in the first place.
Shermer also notes that many of the supplements recommended by Trudeau are actually sold on Trudeau’s website (indeed, the author repeatedly directs his readers to his website’s shop throughout the book). This fact, compounded with the author’s previous convictions of fraud, has made many readers suspicious of his true intentions. Has Trudeau written this book because he wants to expose the pharmaceutical cartel and improve his reader’s health, or because he wants to profit from the natural cures he sells?
It is difficult to know what to make of Natural Cures. On the one hand, the book is written by a convicted felon with a history of self-serving enterprises and who clearly intends to profit from the sales of the products he recommends to his readers. On the other hand, Trudeau does make valid criticisms about Big Pharma and its proven attempts at suppressing (or even criminalizing) natural cures that threaten its monopoly on synthetic treatments.Ultimately, there are better books on natural health than "They Don't Want You To Know About". Despite its commercial success, it really is just a repackaging of ancient knowledge that is better articulated – and without possible ulterior motives – in other publications. One such publication is Andreas Moritz’s Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, which surpasses Trudeau’s book in both scope and sapience. Another excellent book that deals exclusively with the pharmaceutical cartel question is Guylaine Lactot's The Medical Mafia, which offers much greater insight into the industry than Trudeau’s effort.
Natural Cure for Athlete's Foot
Danny Mulkan
On: 8:13 AM

The common fungal infection known as athlete's foot affects thousands of people daily. It is for this reason that there are dozens of different over-the-counter topical medications that treat the rash. While these treatments may be effective, a natural cure for athlete's foot is a better option for many people, especially for those whom are sensitive to the synthetic ingredients within the conventional medicine. Indeed, a natural cure for the infection can take care of the problem without the the side effects for which artificial medications are known.
Tea Tree Oil Is Arguably the Best Natural Cure for Athlete's Foot
Tea tree oil has been used for thousands of years by many different cultures to treat acne, as well as other minor skin irritations. Since the antiseptic in tea tree oil works for these ailments, it is unsurprisingly that it is also an excellent cure for athlete's foot.What makes tea tree oil a popular and reliable cure for the infection is that there is a significant amount of scientific research that confirms its effectiveness. One experiment compared the effectiveness of a 10% tea tree oil cream to a placebo cream and found that the subjects who used the tea tree oil cream showed notable improvement in all symptoms compared to the placebo alternative.
Another study increased the tea tree concentration in the cream to 25% and compared it with another placebo cream. The results showed an over 60% eradication rate of the infection amongst 50% of the tea tree oil users in the short-term, and an over 70% eradication rate of the infection amongst the 25% tea tree oil users whom used the cream twice daily for four weeks. These studies give professional credibility to tea tree oil as a reliable athlete's foot cure.
A Natural Cure for Athlete's Foot Can Be Found in Your Kitchen
One natural cure for the infection that can be found in most kitchens is baking soda. If you sprinkle baking soda in your shoes each morning, the soda will remove the moisture that causes and irritates athlete's foot. If you prefer a natural cure that is applied directly to the foot, try cornstarch. Rubbing cornstarch on the feet before putting on socks will eliminate moisture in a very short period of time, thereby starving athlete's foot of its preferred conditions for growth.Acidic foods also make a great cure for athlete's foot. Soaking the feet in lemon water, vinegar, or tea will kill any bacteria and help heal the skin. Users should be warned, though, as these treatments will hurt if the athlete's foot has produced open wounds.
Choosing a natural cure for athlete's foot has many benefits. Treatments like tea tree oil are natural alternatives with anti-septic properties supported by science, whilst household ingredients like baking soda, cornstarch, and vinegar also have natural fungus fighting abilities. Such cures, proven time and time again to work, show that you don't need to resort to unnatural and expensive drugs to treat basic fungal infections such as athlete's foot. So why not try them out?
Beta Carotene
Danny Mulkan
On: 8:07 AM

Beta carotene is part of a family of chemicals called carotenoids, which are responsible for the orange pigment in vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes. It can also be found in various other fruits, vegetables, and grains. This chemical is known to have many health benefits for a wide array of illnesses. It is also the material that is used to synthesize vitamin A, which is a vital antioxidant for proper function of the immune system.
The Uses of Beta Carotene
Beta carotene has different medical uses. Some of its benefits include, but are not limited to, the treatment of heart disease, cataracts, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, epilepsy, headache, heartburn, infertility, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and psoriasis. What all these diseases have in common is that they take advantage of a weakened immune system caused by a deficiency of vitamin A.It is estimated that the chemical is the source for up to half of the vitamin A that the body produces daily. It is for this reason that it is a valuable part of any diet. There are many foods that contain the chemical, and they include: Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, spinach, broccoli, apricots, green peppers, and lettuce. By receiving the recommended daily serving of fruits and vegetables, you can easily maintain a healthy immune system since it will get plenty of vitamin A.
Moreover, the consumption of beta carotene has been known to reduce the chances of getting cancer and heart disease. Since the chemical is an antioxidant, it has the ability to latch on to ‘free radicals’ in the body. Free radicals are rogue oxygen molecules that break off as the oxygen is burned. These roaming molecules can damage other cells, which can lead to cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants are able to locate these free radicals and neutralize them before any damage can be done.
The Possible Dangers of Beta Carotene
Although beta carotene has many health benefits, some studies have shown that it could cause health problems in certain people. One study, named the Beta Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trail, tested the levels of beta carotene and vitamin A in heavy smokers, former smokers, and current and former workers who have been exposed to asbestos. The study expected to find that those taking the chemical would show a decreased risk of cancer compared to those taking the placebo.However, the study found was that by taking just 30 milligrams of the supplement daily, the subjects actually increased their chances of getting lung cancer compared to those whom took the placebo. This means that while the chemical does have some benefits, it is vital that smokers do not take it in supplement form. Indeed, there is enough beta carotene in the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables anyway.
Therefore, in conclusion, whilst beta carotene does have many health benefits, it can also pose a risks to smokers and former smokers in supplement form. Thus, it is encouraged that people receive their daily allowance of beta carotene through fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than through synthesized derivatives of the chemical.
Earache Remedies
Danny Mulkan
On: 8:01 AM

The main advantage of using homemade remedies is that you can be certain that they are all natural, completely safe to use. Also, many homemade remedies can be used repeatedly in one week without any consequences.
A Gentle Solution to Earache Remedies
This is very useful, for example, for people who have problems with hardened ear wax or too much ear wax. Homemade remedies are a gentle way to solve that problem. But let us look at some commonly used it you could do yourself.If you have an irritating, itchy kind of earache, the best earache remedies would be some oils on a cotton bud, such as wormed up olive oil on the top of a cotton bud. Just sweep the cotton bud inside your ear and that should prevent any irritation, itching, or earache.
You could make similar earache remedies using lavender or chamomile oils, known for their calming effect or irritated skin, so why not try them out? You should leave these earache remedies about 15 to 20 minutes in the ear, and then rinse the reaming oils carefully, using water.
Another similar concoction of natural oils can be used to make your herbal drops homemade earache remedies. All you need is a couple of drops of fresh lime, some ginger, and some basil oil. Mix it up and apply to the ear as often as you like!
Using Garlic Products for Earache Remedies
Garlic juice or garlic cloves are also used as remedies for earache, with the former as an ointment, and the latter for the prevention of infections. Here’s how to make these remedies which help a lot with infections and earaches. First you need to cut down a clove of garlic and put it is some alcohol in order to get the garlic juice. Then, you should apply the juice to your inner ear, but not far inside, using a cotton bud. You should e careful when you apply it on your own – some people push the cotton buds too deeply and that may cause a physical injury to the ear drum. Also, if you are dealing with children, it is recommended that you mix the garlic juice with a few drops of milk.If you are having respiratory problems together with your earache, then there is one of the earache methods you simply have to try, and it is called steam inhalation. The process of applying these earache remedies is really simple: you could either use some steaming chamomile tea or steamy water with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. So prepare one of these two earache remedies in a wider bowl, and then put your head directly over it, but not too close to the heat. Lastly, put a towel over your head and start breathing well again, earache free!
Treat Digestive Problems
Danny Mulkan
On: 7:56 AM

Using Probiotics to Treat Digestive Problems
One of the most common problems related to digestion is diarrhea. Diarrhea occurs when a person experiences loose and watery bowel movements more frequently than normal. Often, other symptoms include abdominal cramps and sudden urges for bowel movements. Depending on the time of day in which diarrhea strikes, it can be embarrassing as well as uncomfortable.One possible cause of diarrhea is a lack of probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial types of bacteria that help with the digestion of food. When bad bacteria destroys the good bacteria, the resulting imbalances within the body can manifest as diarrhea. Some types of medication can also neutralize probiotics, which is why a lot of medications list diarrhea as a common side effect.
Probiotics are found naturally in foods such as yogurt and kefir. Studies show that eating one pot of natural yogurt daily can decrease the risk of diarrhea by 50%. Other foods known to contain probiotics include wheat grass, miso, cottage cheese, and sauerkraut. Probiotics are also available in supplement form, although deriving your probiotics from real food should always be the priority.
Using Teas and Juices to Treat Digestive Problems
Many teas are also great cures for the symptoms of digestive problems. Often referred to as the stomach tonic, ginger tea is one of the best for curing irritable bowels, nausea, and abdominal cramps. Furthermore, chamomile tea can help with bloating, gas, constipation and cramping, whilst peppermint tea can cure upset stomachs caused by gas or heartburn.Aloe Vera juice is very effective at treating stomach problems. The various vitamins and minerals contained within it form a protective lining in the stomach and the esophagus, which combats the bacteria that causes various stomach problems. One glass of Aloe Vera juice in the morning, and one glass at night, can noticeably boost stomach health.
Pineapple juice is also helpful in treating the symptoms of stomach problems since it contains the enzyme bromelaine. Bromelaine is one of the enzymes responsible for digestion and breaking down food. Papaya juice, on the other hand, contains the enzymes chymonpapain and papain. Chymonpapain and papain are enzymes that are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the digestive tract, which reduces the harmful bacteria that can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea. By drinking these juices daily it is possible to greatly reduce the chances of experiencing stomach issues.
In summary, digestive problems like diarrhea can be discomforting as well as embarrassing. While there are successful over the counter medications to treat these problems, the negative effects of such medication means that natural alternatives such as teas, juices, and probiotics, are the treatments of choice for a growing number of people.
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